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1992 - 1995     M.A in New York University 

1988 - 1992     B.F.A in Seoul National University 


2024 The New Olds. The Book Comapny Gallery (Marie Claire), Seoul, Korea

​2023 Bright light shining through a small window. E-ho Gallery, Seoul, Korea

​2023 The Moments Kept in My Drawer. Shinsegae Gallery (Centumcity), Busan, Korea

2022  The Ways we can Fly- Fly to the Dance. GANA ART Bogwang, Seoul, Korea

2022   Fullness of Life by Your Side. KS Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2021   Let My Love Brighten Your Day. Gallery Yeoul, Daegu, Korea

2020    Together. Gallery Now, Seoul, Korea

2018    I See Myself Looking at Me, 26 rue Rivoli, Paris. Gallery b’One, Seoul, Korea 

2017    Solo Project. Sangup Gallery-KIAF. Seoul,Korea

2017     HAE-SUN HWANG 1995-1997. Sangup Gallery, Seuul, Korea

2015 Moments, Here and Now. The Hutchins Gallery, New Jersey, USA
2013 Hae-Sun Hwang. Volta Show, New York, USA
2012 What the West Wind Saw. Gallery Simon, Seoul
2010 For a Moment, Just a Bit. Gallery Simon, Seoul, Korea
2010 Still life, L MD Gallery, Paris, France
2007 Window of Remembrances, Lee Hwaik Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2006 Hae-Sun Hwang, Posco Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2006 들력에 부는 바람. 출판사 들력, 파주
2004 I believe nothing. But I expect everything, Insa Art Space, Seoul, Korea
2002 S-T-I-L-L-L-I-F-E  - Gallery Fish, Seoul, Korea
2002 Still life, 473 Broadway Gallery, New York, USA
1999 Drawings, Gallery Artinus, Seoul, Korea
1999 “Still Life”, Bhak, Seoul, Korea 
1997 <        >, Kumho Museum, Seoul, Korea
1995 “Unplugged", 80 Washington East Gallery, New York, USA


2016 REFLECTION Hae Sun Hwang UNEXPECTED SPACE Seung Hoon Park, Gallery b’ONE, Seoul, Korea

2011 Enchanted : Hae-sun Hwang, Yeontae Kim, DM Art Center, Seoul, Korea

2009 Trace : Hae-sun Hwang, Ji-hye Kim, Gallery Min, Seoul, Korea

2004 Contact & Spot : Hae-sun Hwang, Kyong-won Moon, Leehwaik Gallery, Seoul, Korea 

2001 器 Receptacle : Hae-sun Hwang, Mi-kyoung Lee, The Makers, Seoul, Korea



Steel Drawing. 포항시립미술관 
Conversation of Winds. Icheon 바람과 바람의 대화. 이천 시립 월전 미술관

Dialogue with Morandi, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea

Triptych of the Mind. TAPAK Museum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Rediscovery of Drawing, Museum SAN, Wonju, Korea

백자예찬 미술 백자를 품다. 서울 미술관
북서울 미술관 개관전 서울시립 북서울 미술관
My Balinese Friend/ Korean-Indonesian Art Exchange, SICA Gallery, Bali, Indonesia

신소장품전. 서울 시립 미술관
Momentum, Art Space SAY, Seoul, Korea

The Experimental Art Project – Manners& Scenery, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea

The Aesthetics of Table Setting, Ehwa Womans University, Seoul, Korea

Flowers. OCI Museum, Seoul, Korea

House/Hold. Eugean Gallery, Seoul, Korea 
Cheongju International Craft Biennale. Cheongju, Korea

Once Upon a Time in New York. Gallery Scandia, Seoul, Korea
10th Anniversary. Leehwaik Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Silent Significance. L MD Gallery, Paris, France
From Object’s perspective. Chungjeonggak, Seoul
              Happiness Comes with Companionship, Posco Museum, Seoul

Small is beautiful. L MD Gallery, Paris, France             

Beyond Limits, Shinsegae Gallery, Busan

Happy Vessels, Gong Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Oh! Masterpieces, Gyonggi Museum of Modern Art, Gyonggido, Korea

The Border of Memories, Chaes Art Center, Busan, Korea
The Beginning of New Era, Korea Modern Art Museum Kimusa, Seoul, Korea
Space Still-Life, Shinsegae Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Tell Me Your Wish, Gallery Now, Seoul, Korea
31 View Points, Grimson Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Asia Top Gallery Hotel Art Fair09, Gallery now, Seoul
The Still; Logical Conversation, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul Hot Pepperoni, Mac, Busan, Korea

Love&Sweet, Shinsegae Gallery, Guangju, Korea
Color Therapy. Gallery Noon, Seoul, Korea

           Encounter: Berlin, Lisborn, Hong Kong, Seoul-Korea Contemporary Art, Korean Culture-Exchange Center, Seoul, Korea

Gazing On, Shinsegae Gallery-Art Wall, Seoul, Korea

Art Malaysia, International Contemporary Art Fair, Malaysia
"To Be or To Have" Korean Contemporary Art, Farmleigh Gallery, Ireland
Wonderful Life, Doosan Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Coool, Urban Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Negative, Gyongido Museum, Suwon, Korea

Sweet Illusion, 윌리엄 모이스 갤러리, 헤이리  

Writing Paintings, Painting Words. Seoul Museum of Modern Art, Seoul, Korea
Still Moving, KOFIC Namyangju Studio, Namyangju, Korea
미술과 수학의 만남, 사비나미술관, 서울
Text in Body, Bodyscapes. Seoul Museum of Modern Art, Seoul, Korea 
From Korea, LM Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Looking At the Mirror, Art Park, Seoul, Korea 
Still Moving, Space Noon, Beijing, China
100 Artist in Korea Modern Art 1970-2007, Korea Art Center, Busan, Korea
세계도자비엔날레, 여주세계생활도자기관,여주

No Bounds, Sun Contemporary, Seoul, Korea


Drawing Energy, Arco museum, Seoul, Korea
Funi-funny, Space Biim, Incheon, Korea
Window, Lonchel Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Soft Sculpture, Soma Museum, Seoul, Korea 
Pre- International Incheon Women Artist Biennale, Incheon, Korea

항해일지. 영은미술관
Smile, Gallery Chosun, Seoul, Korea

Modern Space, Gallery Sun, Seoul, Korea
Transparency, Sun Contemporary, Seoul, Korea
삶속에 빠져들다, 신세계갤러리, 인천
Delicious, Cais Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Drawing  Draw-Make, Gallery Dos, Seoul, Korea 
터치터치, 광화문갤러리, 서울
Young-Eun 2005 Residency, Young-Eun Museum of Art, Gwangju, Korea

구성과 중심, 예술의 전당, 서울
젊은 모색, 국립현대미술관, 서울
Fun Imagination-Happy Studio, Gebiwool museum, Gwacheon, Korea
Window Shopping, Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea
Flower Flows Flowery, Artinus Gallery ,Seoul, Korea
공간유희, 가나아트센터, 서울
서늘한 미인, 노암갤러리,서울
Strange&Beautiful- Small Museum, Incheon Cityhall Station, Incheon, Korea
Pick & Pick -  Han-geul Dada, Ssamji Space, Seoul, Korea
오브제로 그린 회화, 갤러리 조선, 서울
KIAF, Cais Gallery-Coex, Seoul, Korea

Should Not say Still Life, Gana Art Center, Seoul, Korea
Moving Still- Life, Do Art, Seoul, Korea

Monologue of Black& White, Gallery Sang, Seoul, Korea
Prince& Princess, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea 

Living Apart, Uijae Art Museum, Gwangju, Korea
리빙퍼니처, Supplement Space Stone&Water, Anyang, Korea
Not Ashamed To Be a Beautiful, 473 BroadwayGallery, New York, USA
The Coaster project Destination- The world, Artside Gallery, Seoul, Korea

The Coster Project. Museum of Tolerance, Los Angeles, USA
Fuller museum, 브록턴
Boston Center For The Art, Boston USA
Florence Lynch, 뉴욕 등등

Absence, Gallery Korea, New York, USA
Generation III, A.I.R Gallery, New York, USA

크리스마스, 포스코미술관, 서울
Invisible Touch, 선재미술관, 서울
Good Design Festival, 쌈지스페이스-코엑스,서울
부드러움이 강함을 가로지른다.-외유내강, 포스코 미술관, 서울 
Grande Exposition De L'annee, Passage de Retz Museum, 파리, 프랑스.  

Basel International Art Fair, Gallery Hyundai, 바젤, 스위스
Art in Life, 갤러리 현

Autumn Aroma, Gallery Hello-Art, Seoul, Korea
실실실, 사간 갤러리, 서울 
한국현대미술 ‘시대의 표현 -눈과 손’, 예술의 전당, 서울
토끼와 잠수함전, 서울시립미술관, 서울 
38평형, A&C 갤러리, 서울

새천년 324, 서울시립미술관, 서울 
흔적, 카이스 갤러리, 서울

Pushing, Art Lab. New Jersey, U.S.A.
1320』금호미술관 개관 10주년 기념전, 금호미술관, 서울 
90년대 한국현대미술의 정황, 엘렌킴머피 갤러리, 서울 
觃여성미술제 “팥쥐들의 행진”, 예술의 전당 미술관, 서울
포름 A 지상드로잉. 

로고스와 파토스. 관훈미술관, 서울
PHOBIA. 일민미술관, 서울

그림보다 액자가 더 좋다. 금호미술관 개관기념전, 서울
Cross Point. 예맥화랑, 서울
Croyez aux choses que vous ne pouvez pas nommer. Center Cultrel Coree, Paris, France
place/placement displacement/dis-place-ment. 한성대학교, 서울

Sale!Sale!Sale!, Gana Art Cyber Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Logos & Pathos, Guanhoon Gallery, Seoul, Korea 


Small world large self. 조성희화랑, 서울
한국미술 신세대 흐름전 - 대지와 생태. 문예진흥원 미술회관, 서울
삼백개의 공간전. 서남미술관, 서울
담갤러리, 서울
지상기획전 - 6명의 작가들이 표현한 물과 만원, 이매진

Logos & Pathos, Guanhoon Gallery, Seoul, Korea 

중앙미술대전 수상작 전시. 호암미술관, 서울


Logos & Pathos, Guanhoon Gallery, Seoul, Korea 

음식과 미술. 녹색갤러리, 서울
신체 없는 기관, 기관들, 금호미술관 개관기념전, 서울


우리도 운이 트이고 잘만 되면 사상이 있다고 하겠지요. 관훈미술관, 서울
예조각전. 예술의 전당, 서울

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